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Badger Canyon Friesians
WA 99320
(509) 591-2000


On this page you will find information about the sires to our foals for 2024 and the sire's we plan to breed to for 2025 foals. Please see the stallion owners websites for more information. 

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Owner Website https://bpfriesians.com/tsjalle-454

"Tsjalle 454 is the youngest Friesian Sudbook stallion to be awarded the Preferent status. He was the Grand Champion Stallion inspection 2016. Champion show driving for breeding stallions in 2010 and 2011. Reserve Champion of the Stallion Inspection 2011 and 2013. Sire of 3 approved stallion (Jehannes 484, Yme 507, and Tymen 503). Champion Z dressage". There are only 4 approved preferent stallions living right now. 

*2010 Champion show driving for breeding stallions

*2011 Champion show driving for breeding stallions

*2013 Reserve Champion of the Stallion Show

*2013 Champion of Z level dressage

*2015 Reserve Champion of the older stallion at the Stallion Show

*2016 Grand Champion of the Stallion Show

*2019 Reserve Champion of the older stallions at Stallion Show

ANDRIC DE CAREVE - Sire of B- book foals

Owner Website  http://www.friesiansnaturally.com/Andric-de-Careve.html

Andric was the highest scoring colt at his keuring, awarded 2nd premie. He throws beautiful heads and powerful gaits, especially the trot and LOTS of HAIR. His foals are very trainable and gentle. Andric was sired by Teade 392. Teade 392, standing at Iron Springs Farm, is known for his kind-nature and long, thick hair. As a dressage horse, Teade successfully showed through Fourth Level, and earned the Sport predicate. Teade is also a highly sought after sire. He is Approved on offspring and and has sired numerous 1st Premies and keuring champions, as well as the Approved stallion Sipke 450.


Owner website - www.bpfriesians.com

Omer 493 breeds luxurious foals, many of which have already become champions. At the ABFP tests several offspring scored above 80 points and an 8 or higher for their canter! 75% of Omer’s mares have the Ster predicate, making him the highest percentage of the newest generation of sires. Under Jacob van der Heide, Omer 493 has earned the Sport predicate. They scored very high points and are entitled to start in the ZZ-light level.

  * Lowest kinship stallion in USA (16.2)

  * 70% ster rating for offspring

  * 85% 1st and 2nd premie foals

  * Ground covering steps reflected in score of 8.5 for his walk

  * More of a Classical (heavlier) built than most approved stallions. 

Owner website - https://www.cherithbrookfriesians.com/our-horses

In 2023, Ulbrân 502, was crowned Champion in the final of the Friesian Talent Cup for stallions and geldings in Leeuwarden. The stallion, owned by Ted Kop Jansen and ridden by Hennie Roffel, captured the title thanks to his huge capacity for transitions and the fine harmony between horse and rider, which was awarded with 82.5 points.
Ulbran 502 offspring finished the Abfp testing with the highest score ever. Two of his son's approved out of his first foal crop. His offspring scored the highest ever ABFP test? Highest breeding values (111) of any KFPS stallion

  *Winner of the 2017 stallion test

  *Fantastic bloodline with two approved sons from his first crop

  *Offspring scoring highest ever ABFP test

  *Highest breeding values of any KFPS stallion

  *Stunning carriage and conformation

  * Champion and Reserve Champion in the last Dressage Talent 
  Cup at the 2023 KFPS Stallion Show

Hessel,because of his type the absolute epitome of a modern Friesian. He's big, has length in the legs and is built upwardly, which is accentuated extra through his long, light neck. He distinguishes himself by strong connections between the different skeletal parts such as neck / shoulder, shoulder / back / loins, followed by a long and well laid cross. That is where athletic ability and sustainability come from! The legs are of good quality and Hessel, fitting his generous body, correct and large hooves. In the performance test Hessel stood out by his great way of moving.The trot is absolutely spectacular.A high and far grabbing frond leg, with powerful hind. The stallion moves with a lot of body use, is flexible and can switch. The step is spacious and active with balance.

*Height 17+++ hands

*2015 Reserve Champion Young Stallions

*2015 Overall Reserve Champion Stallion

*2017 Hessel was #1 in his class (placing above Jehannes 484, Hette 481 and Julius 486)

*In championship round every year

*60% star mares

*2 approved sons – Beant 517 and Fryso 518

Wylster 463 had an exciting breeding and show career in the Netherlands. He was successful in both Dressage (at the highest level of Grand Prix) and well as Show driving where he obtained many wins. Wylster is now competing in the United States Dressage Federation at the Grand Prix level with rider Ellisa Kroll. With an incredible front and neck, and lots of mane Wylster is sure to draw attention. He has an extremely good foreleg that adds to his remarkable trot. He is eager to work and likes attention.

*Height: 16.3 hands

*Fully approved on offspring

*Proven dressage stallion competing through Grand Prix dressage

*Proven show driving stallion with multiple winning ribbons in front of the sjees

*Exceptional character, even children can handle him. 

*Luxurious mane

*40% star mares